Featured Tools for Social Workers
FAMCare provides featured tools for social workers to assist social service agencies help and manage their clients in better ways. We understand the importance of good information and its ready availability, and have developed guides and checklists for emergency preparation for case managers.
Our experts have used years of their experience to create these reports to help your organization succeed. From guides about the aging tidal wave for the long-term care industry, to case management software strategic planning, we’ve covered it all.
We have also included explanations about software requirements for different services, focusing on four main areas that can help you update your software system. Different actions steps that are defined in the guide can help you determine how to choose the best system for your agency.
We focus on a wide variety of areas — child and family, aging, victim services, veteran services, workforce development, mental health, and more.

Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness Guide & Checklist for Case Managers and Home Care Services is a tool guide designed to ensure that clients receiving home care have a conversation, develop an emergency plan, and gather a 3 days or more supply of nine essential items in preparation for a disaster.

The Aging Tidal Wave
The Aging Tidal Wave is a Survival Guide for Long-Term Care Directors. It teaches readers how the baby boomers will SWAMP long term care and the 3 steps you can take to protect your agency. The purpose of this book is to alert the long-term care industry to the baby boom title wave cresting on our shores.

7 Deadly Sins of Failed Software Implementations
The 7 Deadly Sins of Failed Software Implementations is a Special Report written by GVT’s Chief Technology Officer Chris Freund. Discover the most blatant, yet overlooked pitfalls that derail many software implementation project plans.
Find them, prepare for them, and SQUASH them before they can do any damage. Download the report and 12 page action guide today!

The Unofficial Guide to Electronic Case Management
A guide to having more control and efficiency with case management software. Sometimes the first step to a big change comes when you look at a problem from a different angle.
The report includes 3 big steps to follow with worksheets to help you template a system that will work for you.
Download the Unofficial Guide to Electronic Case Management Today!

Software Buyer’s Action Guide
Looking for a new software system for your agency? We’ve identified 4 areas of focus that will help you find the best software for your needs. Included in this guide are action steps and checklists that will help you in multiple areas. Learn how to decide if the software solution you are researching is right for you TODAY! Download our Action Guide!

Top 10 FAMCare CONNECT FAQ’s Video Series
How does it work? Will it save me time? Can I change it and make it my own? Is it HIPAA compliant? Will it keep my caseworkers focused? QUESTIONS everyone wants to know. We’ve developed a video series that reveals in 3-5 minute “VIDBITS”… answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about FAMCare.

Child Welfare Case Study Video & Report
Meet an agency program director, constrained by a previous relationship with another vendor… looking for answers and trying to help his team succeed.
With the agency struggling emotionally and caseworkers overwhelmed physically – the director needed another chance to prove that smart technology could show them how to work better and attract more funding.

RFP Blueprint/Toolkit for Case Management Research
Looking for a new case management software system, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you have an RFP you’re writing or just searching for new software and can use some help with identifying what really needs to go into a good, solid solution? Sound familiar?
Could you use checklists, a criteria matrix, software comparison and rating sheets? Download the toolkit today!

Case Management Software Strategic Planning Guide
In this Special Report – we provide the 7 questions you must ask your software vendor before ever making a purchase. Based on survey research – these are important questions to ask that will help you gather “intel” and streamline your “homework” to find what you really need from your new software – before you meet with your prospective vendor.

Child & Family Services Case Study Video & Report
When Dave Newell took over as CEO of NFC – he was presented with a funding crisis, coupled with poor technology, morale and workflow issues that were impacting the success of their operation. He knew it was time to implement a new software. Their criteria: robust, technically advanced, flexible & adaptable, & cost effective.