Getting a Case Management Software? Here are 5 Things to Consider

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When it comes to case management, you need to make sure your work is organized and efficient. Mistakes can be detrimental—both in terms of possible security threats and efficiency. If you’re choosing to get a case management software to make things easier, you need one that can save time, be more efficient, and run smoothly.

But what are the things you should consider before choosing case management software? Here’s what you should be looking for to make sure you’re covering the basic needs and meeting your goals.

Cloud-Based vs. Server Based

In recent years, cloud-based software solutions have seen growth in popularity as more and more organizations are using them for various management needs. Cloud-based software solutions have many benefits compared to server-based software solutions.

Cloud-based software means you can access it anytime, anywhere, and you don’t have to be physically present in your office. Plus, there is added security, and the automatic upgrades save you a lot of time and money.


This is an obvious thing to consider, but when you’re choosing to get any case management software, you have to make sure the interface is easy to understand and sleek. Your software needs to be efficient instead of taking multiple clicks to complete one task.

A person working on case management software


Since you’re going to store a lot of confidential client information, the case management software needs to have data encryption and other security features in place to protect everything from breaches.

Mobile access

In today’s digital age, everyone’s using smartphones for work. On average, Americans spend 5.4 hours on their phones. When you’re choosing to invest in case management software, it should allow you easy access through your mobile phone. Make sure the software has an easy-to-use mobile app.


Lastly, you have to consider the support provided by the company you’re getting the case management software from. If you ever run into a problem, you will need the company’s help to sort out the issue. Make sure you’re able to reach out to the company, and they have a good customer support department.

Social Services Software for Social Work Case Management

Since social workers and case managers have to do a lot of paperwork for social work case management, they require software for case management. They can improve their work efficiency with the help of software.

When you get case management software, it will reduce the need for extensive paperwork and help social workers save time by making important information more easily accessible and also by streamlining mundane tasks related to a case like reporting and so on.

If you’re not sure which software to go for, we suggest you check out FAMCare. We at FAMCare provide you with social services case management software that can help you transform case management.

Contact us today to learn more.

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